Wednesday, February 20, 2008

This just may be the vision of a new way of democracy

I was aghast when I heard a political pundit say that the Democrats have an advantage of money. He was commenting on the neck and neck race to the White House. This is February 20, 2008 and most people are yet unsure who John McCain's contender would be in the race. He said Barrack Obama is well financed to keep up his steam. Hillary he said would run out of money that makes the mare go. He also said that John McCain may be running out of money to be serious contender to McCain.

If Obama and McCain go to the final rounds, the issue of money will surface again. This I believe will make a stimulating national conversation about the role of money in politics. John McCain is known for his efforts to make campaign reforms. Obama on the other hand over ambitiously declared very early in his campaign that he would be willing to have an agreement with his opponent to mutually run campaigns financed by the people.

Until Obama came on the scene, I never felt inspired to participate in politics, much less make a political contribution. I have been the "less than 40K" person for most of my adult life. I was convinced that politicians were caught up in the vicious cycle of money and power, and our democracy was now at best an aristocracy in disguise. I never thought I mattered in the scheme of things political. I never before voted in the Primary elections.

I am now hearing that the $25.00 contributions I sent several times during this campaign season, put Obama in such a fincacially sound position. This is amazingly empowering.

I am thinking, how can this be? What might have prompted the commentator to say that Obama was in a stronger financial situation than McCain? The Republicans are the party of the rich and the powerful. Surely they, together with the Lobbyists can monetarily empower the Republicans in much stronger ways than my meagre $25.00.

Then it dawned on me. These so called "rich" are the very ones who clamour for tax breaks. These are the very ones who use all sorts of legal tricks and manouvers to siphon money out of the Treasury to fund their toys, expensive cars, huge homes, lavish vacations etc. The poor guy on the other hand thinks, "what does $25 matter?" He says to himself, "I do not have adequate retirement or health insurance, but I have food on my table and a shelter. $25 is not going to significantly alter my retirement plan, let me promote a cause I believe in."

This just may be the renewal of a government of the people; for the people and by the people.

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