Friday, February 22, 2008

Inerrant Word of God?

Belief creates an extremely powerful pychosomatic response in human beings. Whether the belief is good or bad it creates a chemical response within us. That is the way we are created.

Faith in an "inerrant" word of God is the most dangerous belief human beings can espouse. Mind you I am not suggesting that the religious scriptures of the world have no value. I am however suggesting that the ideas of "inerrancy" and "God dictated" can do the society more harm than good. It is because of the psychosomatic response such ideas create in human beings. Ideas (good or bad) are the most potent tools in the creative genius of God.

Far more important than the written scriptures one has to question the need for belief. Why do people believe? What purpose does it serve in our lives? Do we believe because we want to be "saved?" If so, saved from what? "hellfire" of course. Where did hellfire come into your repertoire? It came from a "book." You chose to put hellfire into your mind as a belief. Now all of a sudden you find yourself enslaved. God did not do it; you did it to yourself. You did it because you do not know how to read the religious scriptures of the world. You should take it with a pinch of salt.

"All the knowledge of the world," said a Sufi man, "is contained in a dot; it is the ignorant who wrote volumes of interpretations about the dot."

Can you imagine what I might say about the "Interpretations" and commentaries of scriptures?

I might some day.

Be of good cheer; the world is what you make it.

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